

Αλλεργιογόνα: Στον Κατάλογό μας υπάρχουν τα παρακάτω αλλεργιογονα / Allergens in our Menu: Δημητριακά με Γλουτένη/ Cereals with Gluten, Σέλινο/ Celery, Αράπικα Φιστίκια/ Peanuts, Αυγά/ Eggs, Λακτόζη/ Lactose, Σόγια/ Soy, Μουστάρδα/ Mustard, Μανιτάρια/Mushrooms, Κόλιανδρος/Koriander, Δυόσμος/Mint Ξηροί καρποί/ Nuts, Σουσάμι/ Sesame. 

If you have an allergy, we ask that you consider our allergens information before placing your order. LITTLE GINGER’s food is freshly prepared in store, and our ingredients come from factories that handle other allergens. Whilst we and our ingredients suppliers do take precautions, we cannot guarantee that any product is free from allergens due to the risk of cross contamination.

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